Our History: Ours is a Movement. We call ourselves Humanist Movement (HM), because we are concerned with human beings. We started developing our activities in the 60s in Argentina. Our fundamental concern was : Growing violence in the society. Today, violence can endanger the whole existence and there is no steps offered to stop this trend. And now, we must work to stop this growth of violence.


We were explained that Violence is External as well as Internal.

External violence manifests itself not only as Physical violence (war, torture, abuse etc.) but also as Economical Violence (poverty, exploitation etc.), Racial Violence, Religious Violence, Gender Violence, Psychological Violence (due to imposition of values and culture of one on the others), and Moral Violence (when nothing is done against the ongoing violence that we experience).

Internal violence manifests itself as Fear, Insecurity, Injustice, Hatred, Enmity, Resentment, Discrimination, etc. all negative feelings that we carry within ourselves.

Both External and Internal Violence are connected to each other and have a cause and effect relationship on each other.

A permanent (growing) social and personal change can happen only when both External and Internal Violence are overcome.

It is important that we begin recognising the Internal violence within us in order to develop a positive behaviors, while working with others. When we take this idea (of overcoming the violence) to others, the result is overcoming the external violence from society.

The development of this initial work has reached across the world and today, the HM carries out its activities in 150 countries across the globe. We are international and our collective actions will change this world.


Why Politics: While on this path of change, we, the Humanists realised that people have existential problems and they are controlled by the institutions, and the prominent one is called “Government” which, today, is managed by “Politicians”. Further, our work showed that while the true “Politicians” seems to have become extinct, the criminals and corrupt persons have taken over Politics and are today ruling our lives, mis-appropriating the global resources, while causing violence on the vast majorities everywhere in this world of ours. Further, due to vast differences between the haves and the have-nots and establishment of the false value-system based on money, it was found that everyone's is running only after earning money and power for themselves. The human-evolution seemed to have come to a complete halt. If we study the last 60 odd years, we will find that there is no new scientific invention, there is no new architecture, music, arts, thoughts, religion, politics or anything else. Everything being tom-tommed as new is only a copy-paste of what already existed.

It was a must that this situation changes, so that Human being can again travel the path of evolution. It is a must that the human being evolves continuously.

For this to change to happen, Humanist Movement, gave a mission to its members to take to this field of Politics, reach the level of Humanist Governments across the globe and re-establish Positive-selfless people in Politics and re-establish Politics as the highest form of responsible-selfless social activity for people's happiness and growth.

This is why the Humanist Party was born.

The Humanist Party of India (HP) was born on 10 December 1984 (International Day of Human Rights) and the HP has since developed itself across India facing the growing in-difference of vast number of people who are fed-up with the current day's politics.

Humanist Party is active, in different stages of formation/development, across 150 countries where the Humanist Movement is present.



Our Mission / Our Ideology / Doctrine and the resulting Manifesto : Based on the Humanist Doctrine, the Humanist Party's mission and manifesto are logically based on the following FIVE BASIC POINTS :



The Humanist Party governs itself according to the non-violent action and struggles for removing violence from power (transformation of the psychosocial background).



The Humanist Party places the human being as the central value, expresses as: "Nothing above the human being and no human being below another". Thus, those who place another value such as Power Caste, Religion etc. above the human being cannot speak of Humanism.



The Humanist Party, in matters of economy, defines itself as co-operativistic, aiming at raising this form of social organization to the category of a political system, overcoming monopolies, bureaucracies and nationalisations.



This is a defining point of our Humanism. For us, there exist only human beings, and any other difference, such as nationality, sex, race, religion, etc. is not essential.



The Humanist Party makes “option” effective as a concrete political expression of freedom and struggle against every form of monopoly, such as, economic, organizational and ideological ones. Every monopoly implies the appropriation (or the attempt of appropriation) of the whole by a part of it. Besides, where there is a monopoly, there is no freedom.


Humanist Proposal - Education, Peace & Progress for all

The following aims (few points of the comprehensive Humanist Manifesto) can be achieved, through an Alternative Political Culture (of selfless social work) within a period of 5 years, by diverting approximately 15 to 30% of the armament budget :


  • Free & Compulsory Education of equitable quality to all from nursery stage to Class XII, as Fundamental right of all Citizens. Common school system as per 1966 Kothari Commission recommendations;

  • Free and quality Health care facilities to all people. Establish AIIMS level of hospitals in all districts of the country within 5 years;

  • Minimal basic Housing for all;

  • Excellent standard Public transport system for the whole country at affordable rates so that people can travel comfortably without personal vehicles;

  • Job for all and a reasonable unemployment pay to those who cannot be given jobs immediately;

  • Profit to all Farmers on their produce and Comprehensive Crop-insurance;

  • Transportation and Communication to be given to 100% of population with comfort and on affordable rates on no-profit basis by the Government;

  • Upper age-limit for all Elected Political posts (President, P.M., Minister, C.M., Mayor, Governor, etc.) to be maximum 70 years;

  • No one can occupy an elected political post (President, P.M., Minister, C.M., Mayor, Governor, etc.) more than twice;

  • Referendum by people on every major policy before a final decision can be taken;

  • Every Elected member will be compulsorily re-confirmed by the voters every 6 months;

  • Right to recall elected representatives at all levels. Participation of people to build Real Democracy;

  • Transparency : Source of Funding of Campaigns, Candidates, and Parties must be made public.

  • Clean politics equals corruption-free politics” in all respects. Healthy and Real Democracy has no place for hate politics;

  • All Public-interest information will be provided free of cost to people through the websites. RTI process will be made completely transparent, quick and accountable. No information can be kept away from citizens. All public officers (of all/any levels) must declare their assets/income every year;

  • Participation of people in actual daily working of the Government will be built and ensured without delay;

  • All long pending greviences of people, Government employees and other sections of society will be met through war-footing resolutions to issues by way of actual participation of all involved, without any discrimination and within the parameters of the Humanist society;

  • 80% population that is below poverty line, will be the top priority of Humanist Government. They will be provided with all basic amenities/living standards of life, as the first priority of the Humanist Government;

  • Equal opportunity, Interest-free loans to small enterprise; Encouragement to self-employment and Cooperative small-enterprise to overcome Unemployment problem;

  • No industry on Agricultural land, unless agreed and participated by the land-holders. No SEZ. No Big dams. Small environment-friendly hydro-electric dams will be extensively built;

  • Unbiased discussion with all arms-using group and separatists tendencies to ensure that all citizens of India will get dignified life immediately, thus bringing them all to mainstream of life and socio-political activity;

  • Equal respect for all cultures and religions without making them the point of differences and discrimination;

  • No Nuclear arms. Cancellation of 123 agreement. Comprehensive Peace and No-war agreements with all neighboring countries and proportionate disarmament of conventional as well as nuclear arms with a time-frame target. Extensive research and usage of Solar, Wind and Fusion technologies for sourcing energy needs;

  • Ministry of Peace and Non-violence will be established to create the new consciousness of Peace & Non-violence.

This way, we are building the Humanist Manifesto for the country with wide consultation of people. Such a manifesto, becoming the basis of next Government will end the menace of Cast-religion differences, highlighted further by reservations. Reservations will become null & void if education, health and jobs are secured for all, ensuring quality of life and giving them equal opportunities of growth.

POLITICS of the people, by the people, and for the people


What kind of Politics: The purpose of the Humanist Politics is to re-establish the path of Human evolution. For this to happen, it is required that all human beings live a decent quality of life with dignity. This must happen to each and every human being, without any discrimination whatsoever as a birth right. Humanist Party is working to achieve this as the starting point of human growth.


Why/How we are different : The fact that we are working not just for power but for re-establishing the path of Human evolution makes us not just different but unique.

Humanist Party, while developing itself as a Political party also takes care of the personal development/transformation of its members as Human beings (overcoming their own internal violence as a growing process) through the new psychology developed by the Humanist Movement. Starting with simple relaxation (to overcoming daily situations of tensions/stress), the members are introduced to deeper work (as per their interest) for a deep and internal change. One develops as a selfless, happy, always evolving true Guide, working for the new Universal Human Nation that we aim to reach.

No other Political party even imagines that their own members need to grow as true human beings.


Our concerns: Our biggest concern is that all those who join the HP, embark on their journey of personal transformation, developing themselves as Guides for the new world that is being born. The new human being that rejects all forms of violence is needed as Guides who through his/her best abilities (having qualities of being Wise, Kind and Strong) can take others in turn on to this journey of personal transformation following the path of human evolution.


Our Way of action and Principles of Action : While our methodology is that of Active Non-violence, we undertake our action based on the following 12 Principles of Valid action :

  • To go against the evolution of things is to go against yourself.

  • When you force something toward an end, you produce the contrary.

  • Do not oppose a great force. Retreat until it weakens, then advance with resolution.

  • Things are well when they move together, not in isolation.

  • If day and night, summer and winter are well with you, you have surpassed the contradictions.

  • If you pursue pleasure, you enchain yourself to suffering. But as long as you do not harm your health, enjoy without inhibition when the opportunity presents itself.

  • If you pursue an end, you enchain yourself. If everything you do is realized as though it were an end in itself, you liberate yourself.

  • You will make your conflicts disappear when you understand them in their ultimate root, not when you want to resolve them.

  • When you harm others you remain enchained, but if you do not harm anyone you can freely do whatever you want.

  • When you treat others as you want them to treat you, you liberate yourself.

  • It does not matter in which faction events have placed you. What matters is that you comprehend that you have not chosen any faction.

  • Contradictory or unifying actions accumulate within you. If you repeat your acts of in­ternal unity, nothing can detain you.

These Principles guide our action, thus giving us a strong and clear path of Non-violence in all kinds of situations that we face, helping us to transform ourselves and our environment as we increase our influence in the environment.


Our Achievements: The Humanist Party has been growing in various parts of India since it was born on 10 December 1984 and is connected to common people at grass-root level. HP is building a leadership that consists of common people who have joined it over these years.

HP's campaign for “Law for Political Parties” has been the reason for this law getting into shape. Earlier there was no law even for registration of Political parties in India.

HP's campaign for “Law of Political Accountability” was the first voice demanding that the Manifesto be considered an agreement between a Party and the people and upon forming the Government, that Party be held accountable for fulfilling the promises made with people. That, further, under this law, people should have the power to recall any candidate not fulfilling his/her promises.

HP's campaign for Transparency of Government has resulted in the formation of RTI laws.

Similarly, at Global levels, the HP has been growing across the 150 countries to different levels and has been instrumental in the creation of the new Constitution of Bolivian Government.


Transformation process: The Humanist transformation process consists of simultaneous working with people in the environment and working with oneself.

Working with People : Humanists carry out this through the campaigns of action wherein we invite others to join us towards the resolution of an issue of their concern. For example, the current election campaign, on its success, will result in the formation of a Humanist Government in India that will, in turn, bring a revolutionary change in people's lives through the implementation of the Party's manifesto.

Working with oneself : This work is done with our members for their own personal transformation. Consisting of individual, groupal and team work, this work helps members connect with the best within themselves, building their lives as a true Humanist, by transforming their thoughts, feelings and actions in real life.


Your role in this work: While the above points explain the ideological aspects, we will now explain the action agenda of the HP.

You are welcome to begin this work of Personal and Social transformation by joining the Humanist Party as its member.

You can choose to be an active member or an election candidate of the party.

Your role in this work As an Activist : As an activist of the party, you can begin a group in your area. This group will have other members/collaborators/supporters of the Party enrolled by you and your members. This group will meet once a week and carry out the activities of Political campaign and Personal change. This group will take shape of a Base Council(BC) that will have atleast 4 Secretariats formed. While the details are given in the booklet “Way of Working” and we recommend reading the same (its available for download), the details of the BC's working are given here below for ready reference.



A base council is the smallest unit of the HP organizational scheme. That is, it is the smallest unit as regards the scope of action. This scope is basically given by the issues of the neighborhood (or a part of it), a college or a working place. In colleges, the base councils (BCs) will compose the Humanist student unions (or lines). In working places (offices, factories, etc.), the BCs will compose the Humanist trade (or labor) unions.

Basically, the BCs are teams. Their basic aim is to diffuse the HP proposals and stands, to increase the number of affiliates, supporters and BCs, in sum, to make the HP grow more influential wherever the BCs operate.

During election times, the BCs - coordinated by higher HP councils - carry out the election campaign and, if the HP candidate wins in a particular constituency, its BCs support the HP government action with constructive work based on mobilization and propaganda.

Defined as a team, the BCs are much more than just a group of affiliates or a group of affiliates following a leader. The very efficiency, permanence and regularity of the BCs action is based on their assignment of specific different functions to each and every one of their members. There may be permanent roles (secretariats) or occasional ones (according to the type of action). But, at any given moment, any member has a particular function to fulfill, with its defined targets and deadlines.

There are as many permanent functions as needs of the BCs, i.e., there is need for coordination of action (General Secretary), growth in terms of members and generation of new BCs (Organization Secretary), presence in social and political affairs (Political Action Secretary), diffusion of stands and actions (Diffusion Secretary), internal contacts and information (Administration Secretary), fund-raising (Finance Secretary), contacts with other organizations (Relations Secretary), social work (Social Affairs Secretary), permits, formalities, etc. (Legal Affairs Secretary), printings, sales and subscriptions to The Humanist (Publication Secretary), and so on and so forth, according to the needs of the BC.

When functions are not assigned, the BCs activity becomes inorganic. Instead of developing simultaneous activities, which will make the BCs stronger, actions are sequential (only one thing can be done at a time). This makes developments too slow. Also, the General Secretary of the BC tends to be burdened with the many tasks, resulting in inefficiency, postponements, delays, etc. The members who remain idle get bored, discouraged etc. Since they don't participate, they don't feel they belong to BC/HP and, of course, they don't get a proper training in organizing actions. Thus, from the very beginning people should be invited to BCs with a clear warning that has to be fulfilled: anyone joins the BCs not as passive spectators, but with a clear commitment towards taking responsibilities and actions - whatever the initial degree. The BCs are not social clubs or similar things.

Thus, unless and until a BC is formed with working functions (secretariats), its efficiency and permanence cannot be taken for granted. That is, the BC (or most of its members) may disappear at any time.

Of course, there are actions which engage all the BC members equally, like certain campaigns, operations, etc. That is, in a given moment, they may all have to distribute leaflets, get signatures or donations, sell The Humanist, etc. But, apart from this, there are permanent functions that each one develop. Anyway, even for the above mentioned campaigns, operations, etc., there are always certain specific preparations and tasks which can be distributed.

So, whoever starts a BC has to put particular care in structuring his new BC internally by distributing functions. This is as equally important as deciding which action or issue the BC will work for.

Then, a certain degree of discipline should guarantee that functions are fulfilled, targets are achieved and deadlines are met. This discipline means personal accountability, business-like working meetings with a down-to-the-point no-nonsense atmosphere. Long discussions should be avoided, in particular, those which are beside the point, inconducive and discouraging. Short times, practicality and efficiency should be the thumb rule.

A detailed program of concrete activities to carry out in the next 1-2 weeks should never be absent or unknown to the BC. This includes targets and deadlines. Finally, the activity and issues that the BCs may take will be provided either by the higher councils or by proposals brought by their members, opinion polls, requests from neighbors, etc.

Therefore, these are the basic aspects of any successful BC: functions, style, program and action.

Now, let's review some of the possible ways of starting a BC.



Somebody gets interested in the HP through our diffusion. That is, we make a person interested in the HP through a diffusion operation somewhere in the city, or through personal acquaintance while traveling together, or at the working place or at college, etc. This person always has some friends, relatives, neighbors, work companions, colleagues or other acquaintances. And this person always has a place or neighborhood where he spends most of his daily time.

Now, since this person wants to participate in the HP activities, we are not going to ask him to do it in places which are faraway, which demand traveling outside his daily routes. Also, we are not going to ask him to diffuse the HP among people who are alien to his habitual circles. All this poses difficulties which discourage most of the would-be activists and decrease the efficiency of our actions.

We ask this person to arrange for a meeting with some of his acquaintances in the neighborhood, college or working place where he develops his activities or lives. He does not have to be a speaker, since we are going to talk to these acquaintances. His only task is to call them for a meeting supported by his personal relationship with them and, perhaps, some leaflets we may provide him with.

At the appointed date, time and place, an informative meeting takes place. Who conducts the meeting? Neither the newcomer who gathered the people nor, perhaps, the HP member who contacted him. The meeting should be conducted by someone who can manage it. For instance, the General Secretary or the Organization Secretary of any BC who are, by virtue of their function, interested in and qualified to start new BCs. We should not entrust this introductory meeting to the newcomer since, evidently, he lacks all the necessary requirements of experience, knowledge, confidence, enthusiasm, etc. To do otherwise is a wild shot that will, perhaps, fail.

The informative or introductory meeting will have four main parts whose order may be adapted to circumstances:


  1. Main ideas about the HP ideology and organization. This is according to people, but it should never be excessive. On the contrary, it should be simple brief and appealing. By ideology it is meant our main proposals tailored for the people we address. The HP organization we explain is that of the BCs (secretariats, functions, way of working, etc.).


  2. Opinion poll among the present regarding the main problems, needs and aspirations of the neighborhood, college or working place. This is oriented towards identifying the issues on which the would-be BC will start working. Generally, new BCs are not supposed to discuss outside their real and immediate scope of action.


  3. On the basis of a certain issue to be taken, or just without any immediate basis, everyone of those who are ready to form the BC takes - or is given - a secretariat, a function or a task to perform. Nobody should be left without something concrete to do, even if it is just an excuse that we invent for the sole purpose of participation, for involving each and every one.


  4. Program of activities. As per the above mentioned guidelines. Everybody should know what the new BC and every member will do in the next 7 to 14 days. So, these are the main things to discuss in the introductory meetings: generalities about the HP, actions the BC may take, distribution of functions and program of activities. Of course, an appointment is made for the next BC meeting and members are invited to bring along their friends, etc.



First, we identify which is the issue that may appeal to most people of the neighborhood, college, etc. most. Then, we devise some campaign which, if people support it, will ultimately solve some problem, provide for some need or satisfy some aspiration of those people.

Whatever campaign we take and implementation we make, it should always foresee the active participation of the beneficiaries, the people. Because, apart from achieving some concrete result, the campaign is also a means for involving people in the activities under the banner of the HP and, ultimately, leading to the formation of a new BC.

Thus, the first step of any campaign is to search for active support from people. In the process of getting volunteers and conducting the campaign, we create opportunities for clarifying about the HP, calling the volunteers and other people for personal and group meetings where the results of the campaign are reported, etc. In sum, mobilizing and clarifying volunteers on an issue. In this process, functions are distributed, friendships are established, the HP image is projected, etc. Finally, as the outcome of all this, a permanent BC should be formed in order to continue dealing with the same or following issues.

This way of starting a BC may preferably be carried out by a small team of our HP members. Anyway, even one member - if he has enough initiative - may start a campaign on any issue, drawing support from volunteers.



The opinion poll may be conducted on the basis of a specific issue or just without one. A specific issue may be regarding a particular problem, need or aspiration affecting the lives of that neighborhood, college, etc. In turn, we may ask from the people specific questions that we may formulate or just go and take notes of anything they want to express on the issue.

If we go for the opinion poll without any specific issue, we may either cover a whole spectrum of issue with pre-formulated questions or we may again go with a blank piece of paper, to take notes on everything people want to express as a need, problem, etc.

It will always be good to manifest in advance that the HP wants to work on whatever proposals or complaints people have. They will also provide the basis for asking support, for inviting them to an informative meeting, etc.

Out of all the contacts made (on the road or house-to-house), we should have a good number of people who promised to come for an informative meeting and, perhaps, some others who will help us gather opinions from their neighbors, etc.



By "operation" we mean any action in a public and crowded place which attracts the attention of passers-by, and gives us the opportunity to go towards them and introduce the HP, etc. This may take the form of carrying placards and banners, distributing leaflets, gathering signatures or polling the opinion on an issue, selling The Humanist Voice, chanting slogans or making brief speeches, affiliating, etc.

This just gives us the chance to get in touch with people, make them interested in the HP or HP issue, and call them for an informative meeting that may (preferably) take place immediately. This informative meeting may also take place as soon as there are 5-6 people interested, so there are no delays.


May be a BC is not started immediately in the same place, as a result of the operation. But, certainly, it will provide many interested people who are the seeds of those BCs to be formed soon.



The mass media and public rumors provide us with plenty of news regarding conflicts, agitations, demands, scandals, etc. They take place in neighborhoods, in institutions, colleges, in working places, etc. Generally, in those cases, some people are victims of some type of violence, discrimination, etc, and they struggle for demands, etc. Whenever we detect any of such incidents, even without being personally involved or having any acquaintance among those affected by the issue, we may approach those who are demanding something legitimate by non-violent means. We approach them in the name of a certain BC of the HP and ask them in which way can we help their cause. That is, what can we do for them.


Generally, they need things such as: propagandas for their demands and issue, financial support, legal advice, etc. Of course, since we can hardly provide these by ourselves, we will act as middlemen to get what they need. It means that we may contact newspapers on their behalf, raise donations on their behalf, contact lawyers for legal advice, paint walls, distribute leaflets, etc.


In the process, we generate sympathy for the HP, we make personal contacts, etc. and we finally invite some of them (or others, i.e., they lawyer, the donors, the journalists) to form a permanent BC (or committee) to continue working for the same or similar issues (or the general situation that brings about such incidents).



This may take the form of a talk or debate on any hot/topical issue for that particular neighborhood or college where we want to start a BC. It may also be any appealing general subject of their interest.

This is held indoors or outdoors. No need to have a large attendance. The program may be a combination of brief introductory speeches, a debate on the issue, an exhortation towards commitment and action, raising of commitments for action, and formation (on the spot) of a new BC. The debate enables participation and initial involvement, breaking the ice between people and us. there should be a moderator who will always avoid excesses and deviations, drive points and lead towards our aims.

There should be a clear moment when words are enough and there should be an emotional appeal towards commitment and action, differentiating those who went to join us from the rest - who can quietly go back home.

Some suggestions of talks/debates are: national integration, rising communalism, law of political accountability, law of political parties, and any local issue. Once we have a place for this meeting, the convocation can be carried out half an hour before starting, distributing leaflets on the same road or nearby. It is important to distribute roles and functions (as a team) for the meeting.

The above mentioned are some suggestions that may be taken (and implemented) separately or in combination. Concrete actual implementation is left to our creativity.


Your role in this work As Election Candidate : As a candidate of the Humanist Party of India, for the Parliamentary elections to the 15th Parliament, you will begin the following steps in any one of the Polling booths of the constituency


1. Make an initial 2 members team with you, which can take shape of the Sectors later (Ideally). (Funds required NIL).

These 2 members are explained the basic points of the HP and its mission of this election & the following plan of their next activity. They are then asked to join HP in Mission-mode to build the Political structure in the area quickly (Fast Mission). (Funds required is NIL);

After this stage, the Candidate moves to the next area (the next Polling booth) whereas the two members begin their mission. Candidate, with his/her existing structure (if any, and some of his/her new supporters) will continue repeating the same activity in all the Polling Booths of the Constituency, making two members and giving them the mission, covering the whole constituency before/during the elections;


THE MISSION: These 2 members will work to expand the number of members to 15 (through personal contacts only and within the time span of 2-4 days). They will pass on all the explanations they have received while enrolling the new members to the party;

These 15 members will decide their weekly meeting (Fixed Place of any type available, including "under a tree" / Day and Time for the weekly meeting);

The weekly meeting will start immediately and an Ideologue / Support Sector member / Candidate or Available Orientor will conduct the first meeting and explain the complete way of working, including the points of “Qualification Seminar for the Candidates” from now upto the elections as below :

This group will get the list of Voters in their Polling Booth area;

This group will then decide the strategy of hoe to make personal contact to win the hearts of the people based on HP Ideology / Manifesto / Plan of forming a Humanist Government;

This group will look at the total number of voters in their area and decide the best number of core members required (to be built-integrated) to win the hearts of atleast 50% of the voters of the area. They will expand their team of Core members accordingly to this number immediately;

There is no limit on the number of affiliates we make, but, we can restrict the number of core members to what we immediately need. If we have more core members, due to good contacts we make, we can send them on mission to other Polling-booth areas / Constituencies to replicate the action that is being carried-out in this polling booth area;


The weekly meeting will have two parts : a). HP Campaign activity; b). Personal Development activity.

a). HP Campaign activity : The members will review, every time, the work done to win people's hearts, with precise details of names-addresses of those people (membership record) already on our side; issues they had to face while contacting people and the solutions that were given; collect new ideas for faster action; new ideas/points received for the Manifesto; New possibilities (contacts) for expanding into other Polling-booth-areas of the constituency and beyond; They will review the efficacy of the campaign in order to reach the target set for securing the votes; Formation and expansion of the activities in the form of HP Base-council will be discussed/reviewed and improved upon on a regular basis;

They will review the way of ensuring the participation of new affiliates at the nearest meeting place for Personal Development; They will review the number of new people joining the weekly meetings of Personal Development (participation of which will ensure votes, more than anything else, and will be an important parameter);


b). Personal Development activity : The group will be introduced to Relaxation, Principals of Valid Action, Guided Experiences, and, Self-knowledge in these meetings. The importance of Personal Dev. work as the tool to overcome internal violence, which will ensure that the Humanist members will remain honest and responsible towards society and life, when in power;

Personal Development activity will be carried out by training a new member (through the available trained support member). We will provide printed manuals (backed-up with audio-video materials) for this activity, supporting self-doing methods as much as possible. The support sector members will be trained through personal meetings (with senior members), seminars/retreats/internet based work, audio-video recorded work (some of which have to be produced);

One of the two initial members will be incharge of connecting this group with the election campaign activities at other places through the flow of weekly-information (administrative function) in a pre-determined format. It will have scope of plenty of extra information which should be regularly gathered from the internet sites and distributed in the group in every weekly meeting as well as outside the weekly meeting.

The group, thus formed, will essentially be a rooted group and hence the members will be meeting each other almost every day and this will enhance their social relationships and solidarity.

The activities of explaining the Party's mission and involvement in Personal Development work will always bring people closer to each other (overcoming all discriminations) by questioning the root of all the divides. These activities should take shape of a social-political reform with a tone of religiousness (not religion) (people who talk about meaning of life, of positive actions, of selfless actions etc., while keeping religion out of their discussions and action). These activities can take shape under the guidance of Committees formed, thus giving a concrete role to every individual in the area, according to his/her liking, bringing into practice, the Direct/Real Democracy. The HP base-council should be formed everywhere and connected to the next higher Council with clear functions and responsibilities. The Secretariats should be formed, explained, trained and cultivated on regular basis.

All this while, our most important target is to achieve atleast 50% of the voters of each area enrolled with us as HP members and attending the weekly meeting/s in the area. Obviously, the weekly meetings will be more than one and will be in various houses/places as per convenience of each group;

Frequently, through the circulation of information, and/or through a material circulated, we will keep the group/s informed about actions happening across India and elsewhere in the world regarding HP/HM (including other organisms), thus connecting the local members to the global phenomena, without insisting on any response - just as the flow of information to the group - gives them an identity that is bigger and bigger every time. Humanist Newsletter will aspire to play this role;

The above activity happening at the Polling-booth area will generate funds by way of membership and voluntary donations and this money will be enough to take care of the election expenses of the area. When we win the hearts, money will not be an issue. Even the rural folks in India, everywhere, make regular contributions to various activities (for example, the religious activities);

The initial expense will be for providing Leaflets / Newsletters / Membership-forms (that will be paid back from the membership money raised);

The Candidate will coordinate the complete action, without the compulsion of going to every area just for votes-begging. The Candidate's role will be built as the people's representative who coordinates and conducts the whole campaign, building and empowering his/her team of activists who in-turn are in touch with the people at polling-booth level. The Candidate can visit the areas as much as possible within the resources/time available. People's participation in the actual conduct of the campaign will be the starting point of building the Real Democracy.

On the day of Polling, it will be crucial that each of he Polling Booth has the Humanist team manning the booth, ensuring the peaceful and fair conduct of the election alongwith the personnel of Election Commission of India and the security forces.

Those who wish to be Humanist Party's Candidates need to fill the Forms (download them) and send it immediately to HP's office through the nearest contact or directly by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by post to the Head Office address.

You need to be atleast 25 years of age as per Election Commission's provisions, not be a criminal, have a clean social-political image, have clear references of atleast 10 eligible voters and be prepared to work selflessly for the people of your area. You will also be required to sign a legal agreement with the HP to follow the fulfillment of party's manifesto on reaching power and for an automatic resignation from your seat if you ever decide to leave the HP and/or go against the declared principals of the HP. You will also participate in the Personal Development activities of the Party and work to become a reference for the people of your constituency.